2012, Volume 18, Issue 1
The activity of the Aviation-Medical and Occupational Medicine Certification Examination Centre at the Military Institute of Aviation Medicine in the field of assessing the ability to drive vehicles
Bronisław Turski1, Wojciech Dębski1
1Ośrodek Badań Orzecznictwa Lotniczo-Lekarskiego i Medycyny Pracy, Wojskowy Instytut Medycyny Lotniczej
Autor korenspondencyjny: Wojciech Dębski; Ośrodek Badań Orzecznictwa Lotniczo-Lekarskiego i Medycyny Pracy, Wojskowy Instytut Medycyny Lotniczej; email: w.debinsk[at]wiml.waw.pl
Full text
The authors of this article have tackled the problem of road safety, especially in the aspect of health, and alcohol abuse among drivers. The article also covers the activity of the Aviation-medical and Occupational Medicine Certification Examination Centre at the Military Institute of Aviation Medicine in the field of appeal examinations of vehicle users. Having taken into consideration the overall number of road accidents in Poland the authors have presented their own data stemming from analysis of drivers’ appeal examinations.
Słowa kluczowe
road safety, traffic collision, drivers’ appeal examinations, alcohol consumption major cause of road accidents