2013, Volume 19, Issue 3
Polish Contribution to Space Research
Piotr Wolański1
1Institute of Aviation
Autor korenspondencyjny: Piotr Wolański; Institute of Aviation; email: wolanski[at]itc.pw.edu.pl
Full text
A short historical description of Polish contribution to space research is given. Polish activities in the field of space exploration, such as instruments designed and built in Poland and placed on board of rockets, satellites and space probes during the last 60 years are described. Contributions of the Space Research Center of the Polish Academy of Sciences (SRC of PAS), Institute of Aviation (IA), Military Institute of Aviation Medicine (MIAM) and others are presented. Also a discussion on new directions in education, scientific research and industrial development is discussed.
Słowa kluczowe
space flight, space flight, space research, space research, rocket, rocket, satelitte, satelitte