2013, Volume 19, Issue 3
Scientific Activities of Aviation and Space Psychology Section of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University Psychology Students’ Scientific Association
Anna Jędrych1
1Insitute of Psychology, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University
Autor korenspondencyjny: Anna Jędrych; Insitute of Psychology, Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University; email: anna.jedrych[at]poczta.fm
Full text
In 2012 the Military Institute of Aviation Medicine(MIAM) organised a scientific seminar with the American astronaut Marsha Ivins. Professor Jan F. Terelak, Chair of Occupational Psychology and Stress Department at the Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University in Warsaw (CSWU) and Scientific Consultant at MIAM encouraged the third year students from CSWU to attend this event. This unique meeting with a woman, who took part in fi ve NASA space missions and spent 1 318 hours, became an inspiration for young people to learn about space and aviation psychology.
Słowa kluczowe
space psychology, space psychology, scientific section, scientific section