The Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine, Bioengineering and Psychology

Kwartalnik Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Lotniczej

2014, Volume 20, Issue 1

Intelligent Medical System for Paramedics

Andrzej Janicki1, Piotr Filipkowski2, Michał Horodelski3
1Military Institute of Aviaton Medicine
2Institute of Information Systems and Digital Economy, Warsaw School of Economics
3Institute of Mathematics and Computer Science, The John Paul II Catholic University of Lublin

DOI: 10.13174/pjamp.20.01.2014.1

Full text


In this paper the authors describe prehospital medical rescue, its subsystem for managing rescue efforts and subsystem for execution of rescue efforts. They present an outline of operation of an emergency medical service and as a quality solution provide a trifactorial utility function by Andrzej Janicki. The authors prepared and explained two models of prehospital medical rescue. The first one called ARM is based on agent technology, whereas the second one is prepared in terms of Petri net theory. Utility function was used to analyze the usefulness of rescue agencies with the purpose of identifying the needs for changes in the analyzed scenario within the State Emergency Medical Service (SEMS). In order to solve the problem of supporting the decisions of the Dispatcher at the Rescue Notification Centre (RNC), a proprietary rescue agency algorithm developed by P. Filipkowski was used. The developed rescue agency algorithm to support the RNC Dispatcher in the decision making process was implemented in a modelling and simulation environment based on Scilab language. Introduction of decisions characterized by higher utility values would reduce the operation cost of rescue agencies and thus the entire SEMS by increasing the quality of service provided by rescuer agents and specialist rescuer agents as well as their participation in the decision-making process initiated by the ECC dispatcher.

Słowa kluczowe

agent rescue model, emergency rescue system, state emergency rescue service