The Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine, Bioengineering and Psychology

Kwartalnik Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Lotniczej

2014, Volume 20, Issue 3

Psychological Aspects of the Problem of Indication on the Artificial Horizon

Pavel Kovalenko1, Rumyana Kareva2, Daniel Tanev2
1Freelance researcher
2Rakovski Defense National Academy

Autor korenspondencyjny: Pavel Kovalenko; Freelance researcher; email: pavel.kovalenko.42[at]mail.ru

DOI: 10.13174/pjamp.20.03.2014.3

Full text


The article contains an analysis on 16 criteria of the principles to display the parameters “roll” and “pitch” on the artificial horizon. The result of the analysis leads to a conclusion that the reverse (outside-in) indication has undoubtedly many advantages to the direct (inside-out) indication, with regards to flight safety.

Słowa kluczowe

artificial horizon indicator, “outside-in”, “inside-out” indication, flight safety