2016, Volume 22, Issue 1
Preparedness of the International Airports Against Biological Threats: Analysis and Epidemiological Recommendations
Wojciech DĘBIŃSKI1, Anna ŚWIĄTECKA2, Józef P. KNAP2, Izabela KUCHARSKA3, Aleksandra CZYRZNIKOWSKA3
1Aeromedical and Occupational Health Centre, Military Institute of Aviation Medicine
2Department of Epidemiology, Medical University of Warsaw
3Chief Sanitary Inspectorate
Autor korenspondencyjny: Wojciech DĘBIŃSKI; Aeromedical and Occupational Health Centre, Military Institute of Aviation Medicine; email: w.debinski[at]wiml.waw.pl
Full text
Introduction: The ease of traveling, especially by air, has increased the risk of spreading new, dangerous microorganisms. Taking this into account, it should be observed that international airports may become gateways for influx of people with infectious diseases.
Problems: It is immensely important to prepare various rescue services for new threats and to develop effective decision-making procedures countering epidemic threats. Tight cooperation between medical rescuers, airports services, municipal and regional services together with coordinating their actions play a key role.
Conclusions: International airports must have established procedures of activities in case of emergence of biological threats. It is indispensable to equip rescue services with appropriate equipment and personal protection gear, ensuring safety both for the medics and for transportation of the infected.
Słowa kluczowe
airports, biological threats, epidemics of dangerous infectious diseases, International Health Regulations