The Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine, Bioengineering and Psychology

Kwartalnik Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Lotniczej

2017, Volume 23, Issue 3-4


1-, -

Autor korenspondencyjny: Jan F. TERELAK; -, -; email: jan.terelak@onet.pl

DOI: 10.13174/pjambp.20.12.2018.01

Full text


I give you the latest issue as of the Editor-in-Chief of the “Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine, Bioengineering and Psychology” under my editorship, devoted entirely to information on various aspects of functioning of aviation medicine in the years 1928-2018, the personifi cation of which in the last half-century is the Military Institute of Aviation Medicine (MIAM). The recollections of former MIAM employees, who have been cooperating with our magazine for many years, are aimed at recalling and retaining, if only for a moment, the important scientific and organizational events that took place in this unique scientific, research and clinical institution, which deals with important issues of health and therapeutic prophylaxis for the Polish military and civilian pilots. The articles have an in-house nature and their subject matter covers all specialties: medical, psychological and engineering, as well as some departments of the Institute. Particularly noteworthy are reminiscences of MIAM clients, whose representatives are outstanding personalities of Polish aviation in the person of general Jerzy Gotowała - former commander of the Polish Air Force and a well-known author of many books on the history of Polish aviation, and general Mirosław Hermaszewski - a pilot and the first Polish cosmonaut.

Słowa kluczowe

Military Institute of Aviation Medicine, Polish aviation medicine and psychology, WIML