The Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine, Bioengineering and Psychology

Kwartalnik Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Lotniczej

2018, Volume 24, Issue 1


Stanisław Dec1
1Department of Neurology, Environmental Neurophysiology Laboratory, Military Institute of Aviation Medicine

Autor korenspondencyjny: Stanisław Dec; Department of Neurology, Environmental Neurophysiology Laboratory, Military Institute of Aviation Medicine; email: sdec@wiml.waw.pl

DOI: 10.13174/pjambp.06.08.2019.04

Full text


Abstract: The patient reported to the Neurology Clinic because of tetanic seizures occurring during spontaneous laughter. The patient is 29 years old, right-handed, of proper body build and nutrition, free of cardiovascular and hormonal disorders, with regular menstrual cycle, a psychologist by education. During the last four weeks (November – December), she had five irregular, repetitive episodes of sudden generalized weakness, lasting up to 5 minutes, at different times of the day (except night time). In 2-3 minutes, each time a few seconds of a state of “zoning out” (loss of consciousness) occurred [5,12,15]. All episodes appeared during a dozen or more seconds of spontaneous laughter, when in the company of close ones. The patient was diagnosed with latent tetany on the basis of subjective and physical neurological examination, additional examinations, positive reaction to the treatment applied, and after excluding other medical causes.

Słowa kluczowe

laughter, hyperventilation, tetany, loss of consciousness, QEEG