The Polish Journal of Aviation Medicine, Bioengineering and Psychology

Kwartalnik Polskiego Towarzystwa Medycyny Lotniczej

2021, Volume 27, Issue 1


1The Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Krakow Ins
2Ins, University of Silesia in Katowice

Autor korenspondencyjny: EWELINA SOBOTNICKA; The Centre for Biomedical Engineering, Łukasiewicz Research Network – Krakow Ins; email: ewelina.sobotnicka@itam.lukasiewicz.gov.pl

DOI: 10.13174/pjambp.28.02.2024.04

Full text


Abstract: Medical imaging involves creating images of physiological and pathological changes occurring in the human body using various types of specialized methods. The purpose of diagnostic imaging, among other things, is to assess the size, shape of the internal structure and function of various internal organs. There are no universal imaging methods that effectively combine anatomical, functional, or size and differentiation information of tissues or objects in the visualized image. Images obtained by the various imaging techniques reveal different types of diagnostic information. The post-processed images are displayed in a variety of dedicated tools that facilitate their interpretation. It is often the case that the image is displayed in different sequences, photo by photo. Unfortunately, situations arise where the first image differs from the previous one, and the structure analyzed in it is shifted. To prevent such phenomena, image fusion is carried out during processing. It guarantees to improve the quality of the information contained in the set (whole projection) of images of a given anatomical structure. The article is an attempt to discuss the application of the discrete wavelet transform in biomedical image processing. The main task of the ongoing work was to combine images from different sequences showing the same structure. As a result of pre-processing, images with high spatial resolution were obtained, which in further processing steps can be used to analyze the features of objects in the analyzed images.

Słowa kluczowe

biomedical images, image fusion, discrete wavelet transform, image processing